In Person Session with Jonny Bear
In Person @ The Sanctuary
Service Description
Jonny is a qualified Life Coach, NLP (neuro linguistics practitioner) and Reiki Grand Master. He has many years of study and practice in the fields of : Naturopathy, Shadow Work, Spiritual Counselling, Shamanism and Druidry. Jonny is also a Master Chef and creator of Soulfire Cuisine – a holistic way of using food as medicine and lifestyle transformation. Jonny has worked successfully in various “at risk/vulnerable” youth programs - helping many of them to turn their lives around. "I am dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to awaken and liberate their souls from their perceived limitations and beliefs, from any past controlling patterns, traumas, addictive habits and behaviours. In this freedom, I then motivate them to discover and express their Greatness”. “I specialize in guiding those who are yearning for transformative changes in their lives, through my customised holistic health and wellbeing programs and services”.
Contact Details
638 Oxford Road, Fernside, New Zealand
022 658 1661